The MSBAPM program offers industry-driven concentrations. Students can elect one of these concentrations or choose to study electives from various knowledge areas.
Data-driven businesses are dominating today — learn how to explore, visualize, model, and derive custom insights from data using state-of-the-art methods & software.
Choose three (3) from the following recommended courses:
OPIM 5501 – Visual Analytics
OPIM 5502 – Big Data Analytics with Cloud Computing
OPIM 5504 – Adaptive Business Intelligence
OPIM 5509 – Introduction to Deep Learning
OPIM 5511 – Survival Analysis using SAS
OPIM 5512 – Data Science using Python
Marketing is more than creativity — gain insights on how businesses build awareness, engage consumers, and stand out among fierce competition in a digital world.
Required Course: MKTG 5115 – Marketing Management
Choose two (2) from the following recommended courses:
MKTG 5220 – Big Data and Strategic Marketing
MKTG 5250 – Marketing Research and Intelligence
MKTG 5251 – Marketing and Digital Analytics
MKTG 5665 – Digital Marketing
OPIM 5510 – Web Analytics
Supply chains impact daily life (think toilet paper and semi-conductor chips) - understand how systematically using data to drive strategic and effective sourcing decisions and optimize distribution and logistics.
Choose three (3) from the following recommended courses:
OPIM 5110 – Operations Management
OPIM 5111 – Supply Chain Analytics
OPIM 5112 – Strategic Sourcing
OPIM 5113 – Distribution and Logistics
Concentration-required courses generally count as electives to fulfill MSBAPM degree requirements.
Choose Your MSBAPM Concentration
If you are choosing one of the above concentrations, please submit the form below by the 10th day of classes of the fall or spring term. This will allow the concentration to be added to your Advisement Report and once all requirements are completed, it will show on your transcript. If you are choosing “general studies” and will be taking electives from various knowledge areas, no action is required. If you submit this form after the 10th day of classes, it will be included in the next semester's declaration.