
students in class

The MSBAPM program offers industry-driven concentrations. Students can elect one of these concentrations or choose to study electives from various knowledge areas.

Business Data Science

Data-driven businesses are dominating today — learn how to explore, visualize, model, and derive custom insights from data using state-of-the-art methods & software.

Choose three (3) from the following recommended courses:
OPIM 5501 – Visual Analytics
OPIM 5502 – Big Data Analytics with Cloud Computing
OPIM 5504 – Adaptive Business Intelligence
OPIM 5509 – Introduction to Deep Learning
OPIM 5511 – Survival Analysis using SAS
OPIM 5512 – Data Science using Python

Marketing Analytics

Marketing is more than creativity gain insights on how businesses build awareness, engage consumers, and stand out among fierce competition in a digital world.

Required Course: MKTG 5115 – Marketing Management
Choose two (2) from the following recommended courses:
MKTG 5220 – Big Data and Strategic Marketing
MKTG 5250 – Marketing Research and Intelligence
MKTG 5251 – Marketing and Digital Analytics
MKTG 5665 – Digital Marketing
OPIM 5510 – Web Analytics

Supply Chain Analytics

Supply chains impact daily life (think toilet paper and semi-conductor chips) - understand how systematically using data to drive strategic and effective sourcing decisions and optimize distribution and logistics.

Choose three (3) from the following recommended courses:
OPIM 5110 – Operations Management
OPIM 5111 – Supply Chain Analytics
OPIM 5112 – Strategic Sourcing
OPIM 5113 – Distribution and Logistics

Concentration-required courses generally count as electives to fulfill MSBAPM degree requirements.